
Mandy is a 2 year old Golden Retriever Irish Setter Hybrid. She is one of the top 10 most expensive dogs in America, according to Pedigree. She absolutely loves to run around and play, especially with tennis balls. She loves to swim, meet new people, and go on walks. But she also enjoys her sleep every night. One unique thing about her is that she is part Irish Setter and many people who find this out know how rare she is. She can run for hours straight and she is very fast. Even when she gets tired, she keeps running as soon as she sees a ball. She is definitely a one of a kind dog. She has taught herself how to scratch her back by putting her "spiky" ball on the ground, getting on her back, and rolling around on the ball to get the itch. She also gets attention by taking our shoes and putting them in her bed because she knows we'll come look for them and we'll find her there too! She would never hurt anyone, unless she felt a threat. She was worth every penny and I wouldn't trade her for the world.

Golden Retriever Puppies
Golden Retriever Puppies
Golden Retriever Puppies
Golden Retriever Puppies
Golden Retriever Puppies
Golden Retriever Puppies



she is beautiful!


she is so cute and so beautiful

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