Roxie May the Rottweiler
Roxie is a 12 week old Rottweiler who LOVES to play in the snow! She is a total snow puppy, yet doesn't quite understand why she falls through and can't walk on top of it. Rambunctious and energetic during the day, but a complete snuggle bunny at night. She keeps me on my toes and is a TON of fun! Roxie comes to work with me everyday and sleeps on the green dogie bed in the picture. Truly my new best friend!

sweet pup :D
I Totally HEART Rottweilers! I just about scored one but it took me a few days to decide weather to get it or not, and in that time someone else had gotten it! I was gutted! by the way,you have got such a cute pup! I liked the photo of when she was in the snow. ;D
Omg that puppy is adorbs. She has the most angelic face. I <3 HER NAME.
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